Photos, Slides, Negatives and many more

Without adequate cold storage in low humidity conditions, film, photos,... stored in your basement or your neighbor's attic risks cracking, rotting, and fading, leading to the loss of a portion of our region's history.
GCM staff members possess the necessary skills and tools to effectively preserve your cherished visual media.
We offer a one-of-a-kind digitizing service that goes beyond the ordinary.
While scanning your valuable assets, we perform metatagging based on international museum standards, ensuring that each piece of your collection is not only digitized but also intelligently cataloged and easily searchable.
Key Features of Our Preservation Services:
  • Slides and Negatives: Our advanced digitization technology allows us to convert slides and negatives into high-resolution digital formats, ensuring that the original quality is maintained and even enhanced.
  • Photographs: We specialize in digitizing photographs of all sizes and types, preserving memories with clarity and detail.
  • Personal Archives: From letters and diaries to family memorabilia, we carefully digitize and organize personal archives, creating digital collections that are easy to access and share.
  • Corporate Records: Our services extend to corporate clients, offering digitization of important records, minutes, and historical documents, ensuring long-term preservation and easy retrieval.
  • Film Footage: We digitize film footage of all kinds in stunning 5K resolution, providing unparalleled clarity and detail. This service ensures that both personal and professional film archives are preserved with the highest quality standards.
  • Color Grading and Preservation: We provide professional color grading services to enhance the visual quality of your digital content, ensuring that colors are vibrant and true to the original. Our preservation techniques guarantee the longevity and integrity of your media.
  • Super 8
  • 8mm
  • 16mm
  • VHS
  • Pathé
  • 35mm
  • 9.5mm
  • Slides
  • Photos
  • Negatives
  • Documents
  • Letters
  • Small Artifacts


  • Color Grading
  • Film Restoration
  • Metatagging
  • AI Integration

Together with you we keep our
history alive!